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How To Use Chlorine Powder

Pool Chemical Icon Blogs
Calendar Icon September 24, 2020

How to use chlorine powder properly?

  1. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions
  2. Test the pool’s pH levels
  3. Add the recommended amount of chlorine powder
  4. Be careful when adding chlorine powder

Every pool owner knows that swimming pools are dependent on chlorine. It keeps the pool clean and safe. However, when it is not used correctly, it could bring downsides, such as an unpleasant chemical odor, skin irritation, the cause of red eyes, and can even dye your hair.

All of those symptoms are due to too much chlorine in the pool water. That’s why it’s important to know how to use chlorine powder properly to avoid these harmful effects.

Chlorine is a disinfectant chemical that is used to clean or sanitize swimming pools to keep them safe for swimmers. Calcium hypochlorite is one of the most popular compounds of chlorine used in swimming pools, which is added to the pool water.

Follow The Manufacturer’s Instructions

First, it’s important to make sure you’re following the manufacturer’s instructions and guidelines for the chlorine powder product you’re using. Specifically, the entire process involves adding the powder directly to the pool water or using a chlorine feeder.

Test The Pool’s pH Levels

After reading the manufacturer’s instructions, you should test the pool’s pH levels first to make sure they’re within the recommended range of 7.2 to 7.8. Take note that if the pH levels are too high or too low, it can affect the effectiveness of the chlorine powder.

Add The Recommended Amount Of Chlorine Powder

Next, you can finally add the recommended amount of chlorine powder to the pool water. The amount depends on the size of your pool and the current chlorine levels. So, it’s best to start with a small amount first then you can then adjust as needed.

In addition, it’s also important to test your pool water’s chlorine levels regularly. The recommended range for chlorine levels is between 1 and 3 parts per million (ppm).

Be Careful When Adding Chlorine Powder

When you add chlorine powder to your pool, be careful not to overdo it as too much application of chlorine can cause irritation to your eyes, skin, and respiratory problems. There’s also a possibility that it can cause damage to your pool’s equipment and surfaces.

Therefore, it’s a good idea to brush your pool first and circulate the water after adding the chlorine powder. This helps to easily distribute the powder evenly to ensure that all parts of your pool are properly disinfected.

Why Does Chlorine Need To Be Tested Regularly?

As mentioned here, chlorine powder works best when the pH levels are within the range of 7.2 to 7.8. That’s why it’s highly recommended to test the chlorine levels using test trips at least once a week, or more frequently if the pool is being used frequently. This helps you to ensure that the chlorine levels are at the right level.

When To Shock Your Swimming Pool?

Pool shocking is a process that is used to raise your pool water’s chlorine levels to effectively kill the bacteria and other microorganisms, such as algae. This is an essential step in keeping the cleanliness and safety of your pool water. Therefore, it’s also important to know when to do it.

When The Chlorine Levels Dropped Too Low

It’s important to immediately shock your pool when you tested that the chlorine levels have dropped too low. It’s because the water can become polluted with bacteria, which can cause illness. Shocking your pool helps you to raise the chlorine levels quickly.

When The Pool Has Been Heavily Used

Another reason to shock your pool is when it has been heavily used as the chlorine levels can drop quickly and the water can become hazy or cloudy. Shocking the pool will immediately clear up your pool water.

When There’s An Increase In Algae

Lastly, shocking your pool helps to avoid the algae to multiply in your pool. It also avoids the water to become green. That’s why shocking your pool kills off the harmful microorganisms living in your pool. Moreover, it’s also a brilliant idea to shock your pool before and after a party or an occasion, as this helps the water to stay clean, clear, and safe for all swimmers.

Key Takeaway

In conclusion, it’s vital to make sure your pool water is always clean and safe to swim in. Knowing how to use chlorine powder properly guarantees you sanitized and cloudy-free water and all you have to do is enjoy your pool after!

If you’re looking for affordable and high-quality swimming pool chemicals in the Philippines, such as chlorine powder, look no further than Oktakem!

We stock a list of pool chemicals and other raw materials that you can use for maintenance and cleaning. Don’t hesitate to reach out to Oktakem today.  You may also visit our Shopee page or Lazada page.