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The Ultimate Guide to Pool Clarifiers

Pool Chemical Icon Blogs
Calendar Icon June 16, 2022

How to use pool clarifier:

  1. Thoroughly clean up any large debris in your pool
  2. Balance your pool water’s chemistry
  3. Shock your pool water
  4. Run your pool filter
  5. Add in pool clarifier

If you’ve noticed that your pool water is looking a bit cloudy, and have no idea how to fix it, then you’ve come to the right place.

An easy solution to cloudy pool water is one pool chemical: pool clarifier. This chemical is a quick, foolproof, and effective way of clearing up any cloudiness in a matter of days — but you may be wondering how to use it on your pool.

To help you out, here’s our step-by-step guide on how to use a pool clarifier, as well as a quick lesson on why this chemical is so crucial for creating crystal clear water. Read on!

What is a pool clarifier?

To understand what a pool clarifier is, and how it works, we must understand why pool water can become cloudy. There are three main causes for cloudy pool water: poor filtration, chemical imbalances, or contaminants that have built up in your water. The number one cause of this problem is often chemical imbalances.

So, if you’re seeing cloudy water in your pool, don’t grab some pool clarifier just yet. We recommend trying to balance your water first with your usual pool chemicals, such as chlorine granules, soda ash, and dry acid.

If all else fails, that’s where the pool clarifier comes in. But how does it work? Pool clarifier tackles the possible cause of cloudiness: contaminants. If there are many small yet dense contaminants that have accumulated in your water, it  creates a sort of film that prevents light from passing through — causing the image of cloudiness.

Pool clarifiers solve this problem by causing these small contaminants to become attracted to one another. They then stick together and coagulate into bigger particles. These bigger particles are much easier for your pool’s filters or your pool vacuum to clean up afterward.

Without a water clarifier, these tiny contaminants can’t be captured by your filter or vacuum and can escape right back into your pool water. So, you can see why this chemical is so important for your pool maintenance.

How do I use a pool clarifier?

So, you might be wondering how to add such an important chemical to your pool water. The good news is that this chemical is very easy to use — even for people who have never done it before.

That said, it’s important that you put this chemical in the right order during your maintenance routine — otherwise, it will fail to work effectively. Using a pool clarifier should be your last resort in solving cloudy pool water. Make sure that you’ve taken the steps to try and rebalance your water chemistry first.

Here are the steps to follow the next time you tackle your pool maintenance routine:

Thoroughly clean up any large debris in your pool

To help your pool clarifier work effectively in your pool, you should remove any larger pieces or particles of debris that you can. Use your pool cleaning supplies, like your pool skimmer, brush, and vacuum to make quick work of all the leaves, dirt, branches, dead bugs, sediment, and other things you find floating in your water.

Balance your pool water’s chemistry

After you have cleaned your water as best as you can, the next step is to test your pool water’s chemistry. We recommend using a Pool and Spa 5 in 1 Test kit to find the current levels of chlorine, pH, and alkalinity. Ideally, your pH levels should be between 7.2 and 7.6, your alkalinity levels at 80 to 150 parts per million (ppm), and your chlorine at 1.0 to 3.0 ppm. If they are out of these ranges, then follow this guide to adjust your pool’s chemistry.

Once you balance your pool chemistry, wait. Since this is the most likely cause of your cloudy pool water, there is a chance the problem will be solved at this step. If not, proceed with the next step.

Shock your pool water

This next step is very important. If you have algae growing in your pool, you must address that problem before adding any pool clarifier. This is because the algae will interfere with the effect of the clarifier — rendering it useless.

So, if you have any algae, then you need to treat your water with some pool shock. This will kill all the algae in your pool, and prevent it from coming back. You may need to double or even triple shock your pool, depending on how widespread the algae is.

Run your pool filter

Remember to always keep your pool filter running when adding any of these pool chemicals to your water. Let these chemicals circulate and dissolve for at least eight hours before retesting your pool, and proceeding to the next step.

You can also position your pool jets to help out with the next step — point them downwards at 45° (all in the same direction) to churn up any small particles that have settled on your pool floor.

Add in pool clarifier

After all these steps, it’s now time to add in your pool clarifier. Be sure that your pool shock has fully dissipated before doing so.

Check the dosage and manufacturer’s instructions to find the correct amount for your pool’s size. For our Pool Clarifier, the ratio is 100 grams per liter of water. The dosage may also increase, depending on how many contaminants there are in the water.

You can also refer to our chemical measuring guide if you need help figuring out your pool’s volume.

Turn off your pool pumps, and add in the appropriate amount. The contaminants and dirt should start to settle at the bottom of your pool in a few hours. It may even take overnight for your water to begin to clear up.

Once the debris and contaminants have settled on your pool floor, we recommend vacuuming up, rather than having it pass through your pool filters. To do this, use a pool vacuum, and set your pool pumps to “waste.” As much as possible, avoid letting the dirt pass through your pool filters.

After vacuuming, your water levels are likely to drop. So, fill up the pool again and treat it as if it’s fresh pool water. This means you should treat it with your usual pool chemicals, pool shock, etc.

Key Takeaway

To deal with cloudy pool water — and ensure it never happens again, follow our guide on how to use a pool clarifier. And, get your own supply of pool clarifiers (and other handy pool chemicals) from Oktakem!

If you’re on the search for swimming pool chemicals, contact Oktakem — we carry all the supplies you need to maintain your pool, and can deliver them in bulk! Visit our website shop, official Shopee page, or official Lazada page to get all the swimming pool chemicals you need.  We have everything you need to take care of your pool. Browse our online shop, or call us at +63933-8608708 (Sun) or +63917-8461689 (Globe) to order today!