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Source Your Chlorine in the Philippines from a Trusted and Reliable Supplier

One of the most common chemicals used across a variety of industries is chlorine. It can be used as a disinfectant as well as a bleaching agent. In the Philippines, it is used in cleaning swimming pools in homes, hotels, and even resorts.

However, chlorine in the Philippines should be sourced from only the best, reliable sources since it may have hazards and risks if not used correctly. As a trusted distributor of chemicals in the country, you can trust us here at Oktakem to provide you with chlorine products.

Why is Clean Water important in Pools?

Having clean water in your swimming pool is crucial to ensure its functionality, appearance, and safety.

When you can enjoy your time in the pool, that means chlorine is serving its function. You wouldn’t enjoy swimming in dirty pool water—you want your pool to be clean before, during, and after you swim in it.

Keeping your pool water clean is just as important as maintaining the appearance of the pool itself. No matter how beautiful your pool's structure may be, it won't be enjoyable if the water is dirty. Furthermore, contaminated water can pose a risk to the safety of anyone using the pool. Instead of being an attractive feature that adds value to your home, a dirty pool can even become a breeding ground for harmful bacteria.

How Can You Ensure that Poolwater Stays Clean?

Ensure Poolwater Stays Clean

In the Philippines, the best way to ensure that the water in your swimming pool stays clean is with chlorine.

Pool chlorine is a compound that sanitizes your pool water. You can find it in any of three forms: liquid, tablet, or powder form. Not to be confused with the element chlorine, there are five types of chlorine for pools: Calcium hypochlorite, Trichlor, Sodium hypochlorite, Lithium hypochlorite, and Dichlor.

Finding chlorine in the Philippines isn’t hard—find it among our products here at Oktakem Trading! But first, let’s take a look at what chlorine does and what other benefits you can gain from it.

What Does Chlorine Do in Poolwater?

Chlorine is often used in pools, but what exactly does it do? Does it do more than keep the water clean? Are there any risky side effects to using it? Let’s find out!

Kills Germs

In the Philippines, chlorine’s most basic function is to help remove virus-causing germs from your pool water by eliminating bacteria, dirt, debris, body oils, and waste. Pool chlorine reacts with these unwanted compounds and breaks them apart molecule by molecule.

Prevents Algae from Forming

Chlorine also prevents algae from blooming in the pool. Algae are tiny aquatic plants that start as single cells and then bloom into colonies of various sizes. In the wild, they serve as food for microscopic animals called zooplankton, which in turn are food for many fish. But there’s no place for algae in your swimming pool.

Affects Your Pool’s pH Levels

Anyone who maintains a pool knows that the water’s pH levels matter. PH levels higher than 8 may cause swimmers to develop skin rashes, while pH levels lower than 7 can sting swimmers’ eyes. Different forms of chlorine in the Philippines have varying effects on the water’s pH level, so make sure to ask your provider what chlorine is best for your pool.

What are the Other Functions of Chlorine Outside of Swimming Pools?

Functions of Chlorine

Cleaning pool water may be the most well-known function of chlorine in the Philippines, but it has other purposes, too.

Disinfection of Water and Water Storage Containers

Because of its ability to disinfect water, chlorine in the Philippines is also used in the sanitation process for sewage, industrial waste, and even drinking water.

There is a small risk to this, as chlorine is a compound that shouldn’t be excessively consumed or exposed to. However, water treatment plants place limits on the amount of chlorine they allow to filter into the water to ensure its safety.

Part of the Production of Paper Products

Chlorine in the Philippines isn’t just for cleaning. It can also be used as a bleaching agent in the production of paper, paper products, and cloth.

Chlorine gas was traditionally used to bleach the pulp and whiten paper, giving us the ivory-white sheets we’re used to today. More recently, paper makers use chlorine dioxide, so the resulting sheets are considered elemental chlorine-free (ECF).

Used in Farms

Chlorine is commonly used in farming to disinfect water and surfaces. It helps eliminate harmful microorganisms and bacteria that can be present in animal drinking water and on surfaces. It is also used to sanitize animal living spaces and equipment, such as poultry houses and milking machines.

By using chlorine, farmers can help prevent the spread of disease and ensure the health and safety of their livestock.

Component of Household Bleach

Chlorine is often an ingredient in various cleaning products, the most prominent of which is household bleach. Some people even make their bleach from chlorine and water.

Other household items that utilize chlorine are detergents for dishwashing and laundry, some disinfectants, mildew removers, and toilet bowl cleaners.

Why Should You Use Chlorine as a Water Treatment Method?

As mentioned, chlorine in the Philippines is often used as a water treatment compound, be it for pools or other purposes. What are the benefits of this?

Prevents Contamination

Because chlorine kills or inactivates harmful microorganisms, chlorinated water becomes safe from contamination. You can expect the water to be clear, smooth, and free of particles and organisms.

Sanitizes Water

In the Philippines, chlorine makes swimming pools sanitary and safe to swim in. In contrast, when you swim in non-chlorinated water, you are exposed to microorganisms and bacteria from natural sources as well as from body wastes.

Prevents Waterborne Diseases

There are several waterborne diseases you can contract simply by exposure to or consumption of dirty water. Thanks to chlorine, you can avoid illnesses like typhoid, cholera, hepatitis, and giardiasis, to name a few.

Safety Precautions when Using Chlorine

Safety Precautions when Using Chlorine

Despite its many uses, chlorine should still be handled with care. Here are some safety precautions you need to follow when handling this chemical. If you have any more questions about handling this chemical, you can reach out to us here at Oktakem Trading.

Wear Protective Gear

Chlorine can cause skin irritation and dryness when it comes to direct contact with your skin. To ensure safety when handling chlorine, it is important to wear appropriate protective gear such as gloves, goggles, and a face mask to avoid contact with the skin, eyes, or inhalation.

Store Properly

It is recommended to store chlorine in a cool and dry place, away from sources of heat, flammable substances, and other chemicals that may cause a reaction. Moreover, it is important to keep it out of reach of children and pets.

Handle with Care

It's crucial to prevent spills and splashes when working with chlorine. If any spills do happen, it's important to clean them up promptly using suitable equipment.

Source Your Chlorine in the Philippines from us here at Oktakem Trading!

Oktakem Trading offers chlorine in the Philippines for use in swimming pools and water treatment. We understand the repercussions of using unreliable or untrustworthy products, which is why we source all of ours from accredited and dependable suppliers. Check out our shop today!